SWOT Analysis in architecture

SWOT analysis meaning in Architecture is to find strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths of the site and surroundings with respect to the project which we are going to construct on the site

SWOT Analysis Meaning in Architecture?

SWOT analysis meaning in Architecture is to find strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths of the site and surroundings with respect to the project which we are going to construct on the site. The swot analysis process includes understanding the site and its surrounding in every aspect wheater it is positive or negative to the project. SWOT analysis can be done by going on the site or can be done online with SWOT analysis tools online available. There are not specifically made tools for SWOT analysis in architecture but tools such as google earth can help in doing SWOT analysis online.

SWOT stands for

If we explain SWOT analysis then, SWOT stands for

S- Strength
W- Weakness
O- Opportunities
T- Threats

Why do we do SWOT Site Analysis in Architecture?

SWOT site Analysis in architecture is important because it helps in making the design more responsive to the site and its surrounding. Create a SWOT analysis of the site and you will find strengths and opportunities which you can incorporate into your design. Similarly, you will find weaknesses and threats that can be overcome with your design.


Strengths are the things on site that are in favor of our project. For example, if our site is in direct connection with the main road and we have to design a shopping mall then it is considered a strength of our project. But if the project was to design a meditation and yoga building on this site then this direct connected main road will create noise and it can not be considered a strength for our project.


Weaknesses are the things on site that are not in favor of our project. These weaknesses are present on the site and can be overcome with design solutions. For example, there can be a fish market near to site which can create a bad odors issue for the project or there can be a busy road adjacent to the site which can cause noise issues. These can be overcome in design by creating tree barriers etc.

Opportunities in SWOT analysis

Opportunities are the things on site that can be used to enhance the design and usability of the building that will be constructed on the site. For example, if there is a lake near the site, and the project is to build a resort then this lake can be used for views. So this is an opportunity for the site with respect to the project.

Threats in SWOT analysis

Threats are the things on site that can cause problems for the project in the future. For example, if the adjacent plot to the site is for a high-rise building then in the future when high rise building will be constructed, it will cause a blocking of sunlight and wind on our site. This is a future problem for our project on this site, so this is considered as a threat.

SWOT Analysis example

Some examples of SWOT analysis on different sites and different projects.

SWOT analysis in architecture
SWOT analysis in architecture

SWOT Analysis Templates

Here we have SWOT analysis templates to save your time and efforts in graphical work. So you can spend your time on things which matter the most. SWOT templates are made such that they can be used directly in your Site Analysis (How to do site analysis in Architecture) sheet or presentation.

The process of finding perfect png of trees, arrows, wind direction, sun path diagram, and many more can be very time-consuming and tedious. So we have done this for you. This is everything you need to craft an Effective, Informative, and Attractive Site Analysis. 

Click the button below to get your Site Analysis Kit ⬇️

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  1. Pingback: How to do Site Analysis in Architecture - iarchitect.in

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